Thursday, December 14, 2006

Please Keep to the Right

Urban Dictionary defines agitprop as "A portmanteau pairing of the words “agitation” and “propaganda,” usually used to describe media productions (posters, books, movies, music, etc.) designed to instill pro-system thought patterns into those who consume them...Agitprop can be pathos (emotion) based, logos-heavy, (logic) or even a combination of both. It works both the high and the low ground. Regardless of the form it takes, the ultimate goal of agitprop is the production of pro-state thought and action."

Wikipedia adds that "In the western world, agit-prop has a negative connotation. In the United Kingdom during the 1980s, for example, socialist elements of the political scene were often accused of using agit-prop to convey an extreme left-wing message via television programmes, theatre and even children's books. However, in a more general sense, a television cartoon might be described as 'agit-prop' if it could be interpreted as a marketing ploy to sell toys. The term is frequently used in the modern Russian language to describe information provided by mass-media, if it is considered to be pro-government and biased."

I'd guess many, if not most, of you readers are wondering what made me name my blog Agitprop for Idiots. After all, you're probably saying to yourself, Julia is a liberal independent living in 21st century America. You're right; I am. I saw the tail end of the Cold War, and I've never been able to call myself an affiliate of the Communist or Soviet parties. Bear with me, gentle readers.

I've started this blog not to re-kindle the Red flames or get goose-stepping back in style. No, no. I've started this blog as an outlet for my partisan explosions, which are not only unwelcome at the university I attend, but often not even comprehended.

As this is my first official post since the deletion of my last blog, T is for Trashed, I will not go into extensive detail. Instead, I will simply outline the situation that has driven me to creating a blog in the first place.

I'm a college student at a relatively small university on the Virginia peninsula. Most public high school students in the Commonwealth (yes, folks, Virginia is a Commonwealth, not a state) will probably know the university of which I attend pretty early on. That is really of no concern to me. Go on, try and stalk me. The place is so boring I could use some excitement.

I'm easy to find on the campus of Christian Nutjob University (one of the many humorous variations of the school's initials). Look for the miserable double-majoring, upper-middle class lesbian Jew. I'll be the one with the permanent look of misery on my face. The causes of my misery are plentiful but mostly not even that bad. It's more the quantity of the problems, not the quality. You dig?

Conservative Nimrod U has many fantastic qualities. For starters, they accept pretty much anyone with a pulse and a valid ID. This was not their original intent, but after hiring such bright and shining individuals to work in the admissions office, some people were admitted that were to be put on the wait list. I was accepted "Early Decision," and yet I never even received a letter. Instead, I received a phone call mid-July (after I'd already accepted another university's offer, but that's a whole other bitter, bitter story) with a flustered man informing me that they'd misplaced my file, but congratulations! I was accepted early to CNU. Early, as in late. Fantastic.

I do not want to be at CNU. I never have, and never will. I am transferring at the end of this year, but as it is only winter break right now, that means I have a whole other semester in which I will go insane without the outlet of a blog (this one? why yes!) to share the idiocy of this place with people in the outside world.

I will start the anecdotes in the next post. However, I have much more napping and inane tasks to be completing here in good old DC suburbia. Keep your eyes on this thing, though. You never know what treats you'll be bombarded with.

Love and ulterior motives,

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