Monday, September 3, 2007

(Very) Belated Intro to My New Home, Updates

It has been far, far too long. I'm well aware. To quote a reader I had no idea existed, "You're really bad at blogging." For all intents and purposes: yes, I am.

To those who are at all curious, I have, since my last real entry, left CNU and transferred to another Virginia state university. It's in a city, which is superb, and I couldn't be happier as of yet.

Strangely enough, it is one of my mass communication classes (both of my majors are in the School of Mass Communication) that encouraged me to rouse this beast from its long, deep slumber. We will have to be starting a blog for the class, so I figured since I was one of the few with one already established, why not just pick up where I left off and consider it a proactive measure to decrease my homework load later? Sounds good. Sounds responsible. Probably a lie.

Unfortunately, some very recent personal issues have arisen and I do not currently have a prepared entry. I'm working on it, though. So if anyone is still reading and still remotely interested: new adventures and commentary coming soon!

1 comment:

MC said...

I checked this blog just by chance and seriously thought I was hallucinating when I saw there was a new entry. Then I refreshed the page and viola! it was still there. Amazing. You do suck at blogging, but I *think* I can find it in my cold heart to forgive you some how.
Just so you know.